Exploitation, India - 2024
In July 2024, the Asia Floor Wage Alliance (AFWA) issued an urgent call to address serious labour rights violations at Chelsea Mills LLP. AFWA reported widespread abuse of workers, highlighting a workplace environment of exploitation, intimidation and disregard for basic workers' rights. Key issues included sexual harassment and gender-based violence against female workers, such as verbal abuse, threats and wrongful dismissal of those who resisted such advances. Chelsea Mills LLP was also found to be setting unrealistic production targets, enforced through threats and verbal abuse, leading to a cycle of fear and exploitation among workers. The company also routinely underpaid workers and engaged in wage theft, specifically targeting union members to undermine their bargaining power. Basic rights such as rest breaks and access to essential facilities were frequently denied, creating a degrading working environment. The company has systematically suppressed the Garment and Allied Workers Union (GAWU) through harassment, intimidation and discrimination against its members. Another company is mentioned in the Open Supply Hub under the name Chelsea Mills LLP (OS ID IN2019083RXGNJT). But AFWA confirmed that the company mentioned here is the one where the labour rights violations against which the workers are protesting are taking place.
Basic Information
Case ID: 2024-012
Identification Number from Open Supply Hub (OS-ID): IN20191085ZME4P
Affected Country: India
Date of occurrence: 2024-07-17
Social Sector Risks concerned:
- Freedom of association and collective bargaining (Conventions Nr. 11 & 87 & 98 & 135 & 141 & 154; Recommendations Nr. 91 & 143)
- Discrimination (Conventions Nr. 100 & 111 & 156 &159; Recommendations Nr. 165)
- Occupational Safety and Health (Conventions Nr. 155 & 183 & 184; Recommendations Nr. 164 & 192)
- Wages (Conventions Nr. 26 & 102 & 131 & 177 & 181; FAO)
- Gender Based Violence
- Working time (Conventions Nr. 1 & 101 & 110; Recommendation Nr. 110)
Supplier Details
Chelsea Mills LLP
Production Site
Chelsea Mills LLP
Plot No. 359-361, Udyog Vihar Phase IV Gurugram
Known certifications:
Source of information about certifications:
Phone number of production site: +91-124-4556500
Total number of workers/employees:
No gender specific information available.
Workers movement
There are unions active.
Name(s) of union(s) :
Garment and Allied Workers Union (GAWU)
Source of information about unions:
No information about workers commitee available.
Business Relations
Known Buyer/Brands:
- Esprit Europe Services GmbH
- The GAP Inc.
- Zara Deutschland GmbH
Source of information buyers:
At least one of the buyers has the duty to report according to the Supply Chain Act / CSDDD.
Follow up
Are there any reactions to the follow up: no information
Corrective Action Plan/Complaint mechanism: no information
Termination of Business Relationship:
no information
Arbitration Council:
no information
Name of reporting organisation: Asia Floor Wage Alliance - India
The Asia Floor Wage Alliance (AFWA) is an Asian labour-led global labour and social alliance across garment-producing countries in Asia and consumer regions of USA and Europe.
Source of information about the case:
Contributor: SÜDWIND
- Last updated on .