Persistent Threat: PFAS in Textiles and Water in Dokkhin Gazirchat Community, Bangladesh - 2024
According to research by ESDO and IPEN conducted in 2019 and 2021 and published in 2024 Dokkhin Gazirchat community is one of the affected communities by chemical pollution (PFAS). Dokkhin Gazirchat is near Baipayl, Ashulia. Nearby areas are Savar, Savar DOHS, and Tongi. This area's lower house rents as compared to Ashulia and Baypail provide a strong argument for why many workers choose to live there. It also attracts a large number of workers because most of the factories are situated in close proximity to it. Factory workers in this area experiencing various health problems, particularly related to skin issues such as allergies. Difficulty breathing, indicating potential respiratory health concerns. The symptoms of the skin conditions include a rash, boils and irritation. There are two main reasons given by the communities as to the source of the problem. The first is that it is spread by contact especially to those who work in unhealthy environments. The second and more frequently reported cause is contact with the chemicals used in the factories. Research has shown alarming levels of toxic PFAS chemicals in Dhaka’s surface and tap water, largely due to industrial waste from textile factories. PFAS, known as “forever chemicals” are linked to severe health risks, including cancer and liver damage. They are persistent and do not degrade, therefore they contaminate the environment and human bodies „forever“. Nearby Factories include Gildan Garments (G.A.B) Ltd., Donglian Group, Euphoria Apparels Ltd., Fashionit Company Ltd. Euphoria Apparels has an entry in the Open Supply Hub that names it as a supplier to members of the Partnership for Sustainable Textiles (PST).
Basic Information
Case ID: 2024-007
Identification Number from Open Supply Hub (OS-ID): BD2019248XJ4P3C
Affected Country: Bangladesh
Ecological Sector Risks concerned:
- Soil contamination
- Food contamination
- Water and freshwater pollution
- Chemicals of concern (as defined in UNEP Chemicals in Products Programme) (use or exposure or emission)
- Health risks
Community Details
Name of community:
Dokkhin Gazirchat Community
District of community:
Ashulia (Dhaka Export Processing Zone)
Known effects on communities:
Environmental Issues: Health Issues:
Workers movement
There are unions active in this community.
Name(s) of unions, active in community:
Business Relations
It is not known, whether at least one of the buyers has the duty to report according to the Supply Chain Act / CSDDD.
Known business relationship to factory:
Nearby Factories include Gildan Garments (G.A.B) Ltd., Donglian Group, Euphoria Apparels Ltd., Fashionit Company Ltd. Euphoria Apparels has an entry in the Open Supply Hub that names it as a supplier to members of the Partnership for Sustainable Textiles (PST).
Follow up
Known Reaction by Buyer(s):
Not applicable at this moment.
Name of reporting organisation: ESDO and IPEN
Source of information about the case:
Contributor: HEJ Support
- Last updated on .