Persistent Threat: PFAS in Textiles and Water in Nayanjholi Khal-Ghosbag Community, Bangladesh - 2024
According to research by ESDO and IPEN conducted in 2019 and 2021 and published in 2024 Nayanjholi Khal-Ghosbag Community one of the communities affected by chemical pollution (PFAS). This community is near Jamgora, Ashulia. Nearby areas are Kathgora, Baipayl, Savar, Savar DOHS, and Tongi. Industries and household waste are dumped in Nayanjholi Khal. Unique, Jamgor, Bypail industries are the source of those industrial waste. Industrial waste discharged into this khal is a significant contributor to water pollution and poses serious environmental and health risks of this area. Damped organic matter decomposes, it releases gases. These gases produce unpleasant smells that are detected in the air around the khal. People of this area are facing respiratory issues, headaches, nausea, and other health problems, particularly for individuals with pre-existing conditions such as asthma and skin allergies. The source of water here is motor pump. As the industrial pollutants are dumped into the khal they contaminate with drinking water sources and soil also, sometimes the taste of the water changes due to this pollution. By consuming this water they are facing chronic health problems, including gastrointestinal illnesses and diarrhea. Additionally, the pollution of the soil adds another layer of concern, making it difficult for residents to engage in house vegetation and agricultural activities. The contaminated soil not only affects the growth of plants but also poses risks of further exposure to harmful substances through food grown in the area. The pollution in the area has also affected the durability of metal structures over time. This suggests that not only human health but also the overall infrastructure and environment of the community are being negatively impacted by industrial waste pollution.
Basic Information
Case ID: 2024-009
Identification Number from Open Supply Hub (OS-ID): none
Affected Country: Bangladesh
Ecological Sector Risks concerned:
- Soil contamination
- Food contamination
- Water and freshwater pollution
- Chemicals of concern (as defined in UNEP Chemicals in Products Programme) (use or exposure or emission)
Community Details
Name of community:
Nayanjholi Khal-Ghosbag Community
District of community:
Ashulia (Dhaka Export Processing Zone)
Known effects on communities:
Environmental Issues Health Issues
Workers movement
No information about unions available.
No information about workers committees available.
Business Relations
It is not known, whether at least one of the buyers has the duty to report according to the Supply Chain Act / CSDDD.
Known business relationship to factory:
Nearby Factories include Knit Asia Ltd., S-21 Apparels Ltd, Nassa Global, Newage Garments Ltd.. S-21 Apparels Ltd is a supplier to Woolworths Group (OSH ID: BD2020021CF6YW8).
Follow up
Known Reaction by Buyer(s):
Not applicable at this moment
Name of reporting organisation: ESDO and IPEN
Source of information about the case:
Contributor: HEJ Support
- Last updated on .