Wages and Social Security, Ehsan, Bangladesh - 2024
Workers of Gazipur's ready-made garments and textile factories demanded payment of their due salaries for the month of July as factories reopened August 11th. Factories were closed last week. Workers of Ehsan Garments Ltd and Moon Light Garments Ltd have not been paid as of August 11th. Other facilities are also affected, see in Open Supply Hub for Sadma facilities, here, and here, Meek Knith, Moonlight Garments, and here, and Ehsan Garments, and here. Sadma Group Owner and BGMEA Vice-President Nasir Uddin told The Daily Star that last month's due salary will be paid this week. Many factory owners have been unable to pay salaries due to the disruption in banking services. Rafiq Miah, a worker of Meek Knit factory, said workers have joined their workplaces. But landlords will not let them stay if they do not get the salary on time and pay rent. Azizul Islam, General Secretary of Gazipur Garment Workers Trade Union Centre, said that the workers of Moon Light Garments Ltd and Ehsan Garments Ltd have not been paid as of today. Ehsan and Moonlight Garments Ltd. is 100% are 100% export-oriented garment manufacturers that have provided huge business benefits to a large number of garment manufacturers in the RMG sector in Bangladesh. Ehsan is a business unit of the Khaled Group of Companies Ltd and is a family-owned business conglomerate in Bangladesh. The self-presentation claim: All these companies are placed in their respective industries, generating profit for the shareholders. Led by a proficient management team and supported by a 10,000+ workforce, the conglomerate has a presence in Engineering, Animal Nutrition, Livestock, Aquaculture, Agricultural, Apparel & Textile, Shipping & Logistics, Information Technology etc. Khaled Group is one of the fastest-growing business groups in Bangladesh and claim that they stay for strong foundation of unmatched ethical standards and values.
Basic Information
Case ID: 2024-014
Identification Number from Open Supply Hub (OS-ID): BD20192485X32EN
Affected Country: Bangladesh
Date of occurrence: 2024-08-11
Social Sector Risks concerned:
- Wages (Conventions Nr. 26 & 102 & 131 & 177 & 181; FAO)
Supplier Details
Ehsan Garments Ltd
Dhaka Mymensingh Highway, Kunia, Targach, Pachor, Gacha, Gazipur-1704.
Kunia, Targach
Supplier Website: https://www.muazfashion.com/manufacturers/ehsan-garments-ltd/
Production Site
Ehsan Garments Ltd
30, Kunia, National University Gazipur
Known certifications:
Source of information about certifications:
2. Source of information about certificates:
Total number of workers/employees:
No gender specific information available.
Workers movement
No information about unions available.
Business Relations
Known Buyer/Brands:
- Aldi Nord International Holding GmbH
- Aldi Süd Dienstleistungs-GmbH
- C&A Mode GmbH & Co. KG
- Industria de Diseño Textil
- S.A. (Inditex)
- KiK Textilien & Non Food GmbH
- Lidl Stiftung Co. KG
- Mammut Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG
Source of information buyers:
At least one of the buyers has the duty to report according to the Supply Chain Act / CSDDD.
Follow up
Are there any reactions to the follow up: no information
Source of information about the case:
Contributor: INKOTA-netzwerk
- Last updated on .